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Ignite 2 Impact Podcast - Raise up and Inspire the Next Generation of Leaders

Ignite 2 Impact is a podcast that involves great conversations, discussions that matter so that we can get it together and keep in together. 

Listen to the debut show by clicking => Here

Nov 26, 2020

Do you worry about what to do next in your especially when times get tough?

Listen to some great advice and tips about making the right moves even in the face of adversity in this conversation with Dr. Geneva and special guest Kim Boudreau Smith.

Throughout a decades-spanning career, crossing...

Nov 19, 2020

Do you know some of the best ways to take care of yourself especially during tough times? Are you confused about how to start a self care routine when things are difficult and still make yourself a priority? What are some really great self care ideas that you can do today?

Margaret "Peg" Tallet, renowned nonprofit...

Nov 5, 2020

Is it hard for you to bounce back when you've had a major change or misfortune? Do you sometimes feel mentally and physically drained during tough times?

Loretta Bush, CEO and President of Authority Health gives us answers, tips, and advice on how to deal with these questions and more in this conversation about