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Ignite 2 Impact Podcast - Raise up and Inspire the Next Generation of Leaders

Ignite 2 Impact is a podcast that involves great conversations, discussions that matter so that we can get it together and keep in together. 

Listen to the debut show by clicking => Here

Sep 21, 2017

Look at any leader - and you'll see they were once a volunteer. 

Volunteers launch movements. Think about the Civil Rights Movement where countless volunteers, including Rev. Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks, banded together to make an impact. Many leaders were also birthed from that movement - my dad being one of them. 

"Money Helps But People Solve Problems," said my friend, Governor George Romney.

Just some history on me: I co-founded United Way Community Services, merging two United Way affiliates to more effectively provide health and human services, and served as its first executive vice president and chief operating officer.

 I also engaged Detroit’s mayor and auto companies to mobilize hundreds of professionals to mentor Detroit youth, worked with former Michigan Gov. George Romney to increase
volunteerism throughout the region, and championed quality education as chair of the Compact, Detroit’s first successful
education reform effort. While at United Way, I attended Harvard Business School, and taught at the United Way of America’s Academy of Volunteerism.

Once the majority of volunteers were stay-at-home moms and retirees. Today’s volunteer is a teenager, a GenXer, a professional, a corporate employee, a home-based entrepreneur, a community activist, and all personalities in between. It is through all their efforts that much of the work to help people and improve community life is done.


Leaders. Leadership. Life lessons learned is what this podcast is all about - from a personal perspective.  Starting my "volunteer career" as a a candy striper! 

candy striper“Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”― Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Hear this show and be inspired on how my volunteerism has helped shape my life, career and my community. IT CAN DO THE SAME FOR YOU! 

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