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Ignite 2 Impact Podcast - Raise up and Inspire the Next Generation of Leaders

Ignite 2 Impact is a podcast that involves great conversations, discussions that matter so that we can get it together and keep in together. 

Listen to the debut show by clicking => Here

Nov 27, 2018

LaShanda Henry has been developing websites for over 10 years. She owns over 15 web properties and is most passionate about two things: creating positive websites for people of color and helping women entrepreneurs learn how to build successful businesses online.

Ms. Henry graduated Columbia University. 

“My life’s mission is to motivate.inform.inspire.connect. With my mother in mind, I do what I do for parents looking to better their children’s lives and for women striving to live their dreams. I love to share information and build communities online. It’s what I do and who I am.”

Some of LaShanda’s most popular websites include:
Multiple Shades of You Online (an African American Web Portal)
BBWO – Social Network for Women Entrepreneurs
SistaSense Money and Marketing blog 
The Black Parenting Blog


As both a web designer and internet marketing coach, LaShanda has been featured in magazines such as Essence, Ebony, The Network Journal, and As a blogger she has worked with brands including Disney, General Mills, TNT, Walmart, and many others.


LaShanda is truly on a mission to use technology as a tool to affect positive change within the black community online and at home. She presently lives in North Carolina with her son and his loving father.

For more info on Lashanda Henery 


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