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Ignite 2 Impact Podcast - Raise up and Inspire the Next Generation of Leaders

Ignite 2 Impact is a podcast that involves great conversations, discussions that matter so that we can get it together and keep in together. 

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Dec 29, 2017

Bishop Edgar Vann was stepping down from the pulpit of Second Ebenezer Church in Detroit after preaching to his congregation on New Year’s Eve one year ago when he was confronted with death.

“It was as if a dark curtain was falling and I could feel myself losing consciousness and falling out,”  the 60-year-old said. "I turned to my wife and grabbed her and that’s the last thing I remember.”

Had it not been for someone in his congregation who administered cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) immediately, he wouldn’t be alive today.

“My heart stopped and there was no pulse,” Vann said.

(source: Detroit Free Press

His book, I DID IT TO MYSELF: True Confessions of an Overachiever (Westbow Press) tells the story of how that incident changed his life. 

On this podcast, hear Bishop Vann discuss work-life integration and how he led the cause that requires students in Michigan to be taught CPR by the time they graduate from high school. He will also talk about leadership and how leaders should inspire and impact others today. 

bishop vann

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Bishop Vann does not limit his ministry to the church. He is the founder of the Vanguard Community Development Corporation organized in 1994. He is leading an entire community towards restoration, healing and empowerment. He is also committed to helping individuals destroy the yoke of poverty and affirm themselves with sound biblical principles.

He has preached extensively throughout the United States, the Middle East, Africa, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Haiti and Eastern Europe. He fulfills the mission of Second Ebenezer Church as he empowers people everywhere with the Word making a global impact.

He is a mentor, coach and spiritual father to his many sons and daughters in the ministry and Pastors throughout the country.


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